Collaborative Law

If you are presently going through the process of divorce, there are many alternative dispute resolution tools that can be utilized to assist you in settling your Family Law disputes outside the Courtroom. Collaborative Practice, Mediation, as well as Arbitration are all viable options. At BARR LLP, we have lawyers trained in each of these practices to help you through this very difficult juncture in your relationship. It is important to review each mechanism to see which process is a good fit for you and your particular family situation.

Collaborative Practice is a dispute resolution process in which both parties pledge to negotiate a mutually acceptable settlement without going to court. Each client retains a lawyer and the lawyers and clients sign a collaborative agreement which essentially is terminated if the clients decide to proceed by way of litigation–both clients would then have to seek new counsel to proceed.

The Collaborative process is a good option and can provide a safe space to negotiate as hostility and conflict is minimized without the looming threat of being brought to Court with all the uncertainty and stress associated with the court process. In fact, clients often feel less threatened and in control of the eventual outcome.

The Collaborative process is flexible and private, as well, the use of child specialists, mental health professionals, and financial specialists can be included if desired to assist clients in their journey towards resolution.

If you have any questions or you think the Collaborative Approach is something you would be interested in, please feel free to contact Yoko Azumaya for more information.

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