Family & Divorce

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Our goal is to assist you in the difficult process of relationship breakdown. We have extensive experience in both married and unmarried relationship dissolutions. As long as the situation permits, we look to resolve outstanding issues by way of negotiation. However, if necessary, we do not hesitate to enter into the litigation process. The common issues upon dissolution of a relationship are custody, parenting, Child and Spousal Support, and property division culminating, if married, with a final Divorce Judgment.

Upon separation the dynamics between parents and children will inevitably change. Our Family Law team can explain custody, guardianship, parenting, access, and contact so that the client can explore options that are suited to the situation. Knowing that the Court focuses on the best interests of the children when they make decisions, our lawyers can provide in depth analysis of the situation to provide valuable advice based on the given circumstances.

Family Law deals with some of the most personal and emotional issues a person can go through, and it is important that you are comfortable with and trust your lawyer. Our team of Family Lawyers has a vast array of experience, hourly rates, styles of practice, and of course, personalities. We are sure to have someone who can meet your unique needs and who you are comfortable with and trust.

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